Reading non-standard elements in a SyndicationItem with SyndicationFeed

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-17 10:17:01


With .net 3.5, there is a SyndicationFeed that will load in a RSS feed and allow you to run LINQ on it.

Here is an example of the RSS that I am loading:

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media=""> 
    <title>Title of RSS feed</title> 
    <description>Details about the feed</description> 
    <pubDate>Mon, 24 Nov 08 21:44:21 -0500</pubDate> 
        <title>Article 1</title> 
        <description><![CDATA[How to use]]></description> 
        <media:player url="" /> 
        <media:thumbnail url="" width="120" height="90" /> 
        <media:title>Jared on StackOverflow</media:title> 
        <media:category label="Tags">tag1, tag2</media:category> 
        <enclosure url="" length="233" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/> 

When I loop through the items, I can get back the title and the link through the public properties of SyndicationItem.

I can't seem to figure out how to get the attributes of the enclosure tag, or the values of the media tags. I tried using

SyndicationItem.ElementExtensions.ReadElementExtensions<string>("player", "")

Any help with either of these?


Your missing the namespace. Using LINQPad and your example feed:

string xml = @"
    <rss version='2.0' xmlns:media=''> 
        <title>Title of RSS feed</title> 
        <description>Details about the feed</description> 
        <pubDate>Mon, 24 Nov 08 21:44:21 -0500</pubDate> 
            <title>Article 1</title> 
            <description><![CDATA[How to use]]></description> 
            <media:player url='' /> 
            <media:thumbnail url='' width='120' height='90' /> 
            <media:title>Jared on StackOverflow</media:title> 
            <media:category label='Tags'>tag1, tag2</media:category> 
            <enclosure url='' length='233' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'/> 

XElement rss = XElement.Parse( xml );
XNamespace media = "";

var player = rss.Element( "channel" ).Element( "item" ).Element(media + "player").Attribute( "url" );

result: url=""

The construct to look at is: Element(media + "player") that tells Linq to use the namespace represented by 'media' as well as the element name 'player'.

Brain damage must be setting in on my part, I thought you were using Linq. Anyway, you need to take the namespace into consideration.


This should give you an idea on how to do it:

using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

SyndicationFeed feed = reader.Read();

foreach (var item in feed.Items)
    foreach (SyndicationElementExtension extension in item.ElementExtensions)
        XElement ele = extension.GetObject<XElement>();


Here is how I managed to retrieve the enclosure link from a feed using SyndicationFeed.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var feedUrl = "";

    using (var feedReader = XmlReader.Create(feedUrl))
        var feedContent = SyndicationFeed.Load(feedReader);

        if (null == feedContent) return;

        foreach (var item in feedContent.Items)
            Debug.WriteLine("Item Title: " + item.Title.Text);

            Debug.WriteLine("Item Links");
            foreach (var link in item.Links)
                Debug.WriteLine("Link Title: " + link.Title);
                Debug.WriteLine("URI: " + link.Uri);
                Debug.WriteLine("RelationshipType: " + link.RelationshipType);
                Debug.WriteLine("MediaType: " + link.MediaType);
                Debug.WriteLine("Length: " + link.Length);

The output is as follows:

Item Title: Podcast #50
Item Links
Link Title:
RelationshipType: alternate
Length: 0
Link Title:
RelationshipType: enclosure
MediaType: audio/mpeg
Length: 36580016

You can identify the enclosure link from its relationship type.


Whether you're retrieving the non-XML contents of extension elements or XElement items, you might want to consider using a generic helper function like:

private static T GetExtensionElementValue<T>(SyndicationItem item, string extensionElementName)
       return item.ElementExtensions.First(ee => ee.OuterName == extensionElementName).GetObject<T>();

Depending on whether the elements are guaranteed to be there or whether you are putting this into a reusable library, you may need to add additional defensive programming.


You can use a combination of LINQ and XPathNavigator to extract the syndication extensions of a feed item (based on namespace URI of the extension). For item enclosures, you will want to examine the item links collection for links that have a RelationshipType of enclosure.


HttpWebRequest webRequest   = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest;

using (Stream stream = webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
    XmlReaderSettings settings  = new XmlReaderSettings();
    settings.IgnoreComments     = true;
    settings.IgnoreWhitespace   = true;

    using(XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings))
        SyndicationFeed feed    = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);

        foreach(SyndicationItem item in feed.Items)
            // Get values of syndication extension elements for a given namespace
            string extensionNamespaceUri            = "";
            SyndicationElementExtension extension   = item.ElementExtensions.Where<SyndicationElementExtension>(x => x.OuterNamespace == extensionNamespaceUri).FirstOrDefault();
            XPathNavigator dataNavigator            = new XPathDocument(extension.GetReader()).CreateNavigator();

            XmlNamespaceManager resolver    = new XmlNamespaceManager(dataNavigator.NameTable);
            resolver.AddNamespace("itunes", extensionNamespaceUri);

            XPathNavigator authorNavigator      = dataNavigator.SelectSingleNode("itunes:author", resolver);
            XPathNavigator subtitleNavigator    = dataNavigator.SelectSingleNode("itunes:subtitle", resolver);
            XPathNavigator summaryNavigator     = dataNavigator.SelectSingleNode("itunes:summary", resolver);
            XPathNavigator durationNavigator    = dataNavigator.SelectSingleNode("itunes:duration", resolver);

            string author   = authorNavigator != null ? authorNavigator.Value : String.Empty;
            string subtitle = subtitleNavigator != null ? subtitleNavigator.Value : String.Empty;
            string summary  = summaryNavigator != null ? summaryNavigator.Value : String.Empty;
            string duration = durationNavigator != null ? durationNavigator.Value : String.Empty;

            // Get attributes of <enclosure> element
            foreach (SyndicationLink enclosure in item.Links.Where<SyndicationLink>(x => x.RelationshipType == "enclosure"))
                Uri url             = enclosure.Uri;
                long length         = enclosure.Length;
                string mediaType    = enclosure.MediaType;

