Getting Literal Value from a Masked Text Box Input

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-13 17:42:59


I've set up a Telerik RadMaskedTextBox with a Mask of "####-####". The problem is, when I later grab the value from this box it returns as "########". I'm unfamiliar with MaskedTextBoxes but I'm guessing that this is the default way it's supposed to return my value.

How can I set the "-" as a literal character in the RadMaskedTextBox so it returns the whole value?

ex. "1234-5678" instead of "12345678"


Use TextWithLiterals instead of Text property.


I'm unfamiliar with the Telerik controls, but you know the mask and you know the value you're getting, so you can construct the formatted value yourself:

var val = control.Text;
var mask = control.Mask;
var v = 0;
var builder = new StringBuilder();

foreach(var c in mask)
   builder.Append(c == '#' ? val[v++] : c);

return builder.ToString();

