Using “await” in a converter (IValueConverter) not working?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-13 15:51:28


I have a converter in my Windows Phone application but it seems you cannot use "await" methods in it?

public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
    _IDataService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IDataService>();

    string imageUrlId = (string)value;

    byte[] imageByte = await iDataService.GetImage(imageUrlId);

    return LoadImageAsync(imageByte);

If I make the method async Task it says IValueConverter has no method Task async. This converter returns type ImageSource.


You can't change the signature of the Convert method since you have to provide an implementation for all the methods of the IValueConverter interface.

What I usually do is loading in the images of the view-model asynchronously from the backend, not on the UI thread. With the proper bindings, the images will be displayed on your UI as soon as it is loaded.


I have an older answer here that mostly addresses this problem (but see below - one of the helper types is somewhat dated).

The core of the problem is that asynchronous work is actually improper for a value converter to do. What you're really doing is telling WPF "to cast this type to this other type, first call a web service..."

So, IMO any asynchronous behavior is better done in other parts of the system (ViewModel, service layer, etc). Asynchronous work can be easily represented in a ViewModel by using my NotifyTask type.

However, my older answer does have a working "asynchronous value converter". Note that the TaskCompletionNotifier type in that answer has a newer implementation.


You could use .result () after async function call

Like, byte[] imageByte = iDataService.GetImage(imageUrlId).result ();

