Methodologies for Requirement analysis - Database development [closed]

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-13 10:39:42


In the database development process,

Below are the two methodologies used for requirement analysis phase,

1) SDA - Structured data analysis

2) SSAD - Structured systems analysis and design method

The specification documents created in requirement analysis phase are used as input to conceptual schema design phase.

For requirement analysis phase of database development process, are their any other standard methodologies(in current trend)?


Waterfall lifecycles with formal requirements analysis phases are still around but they are a lot less common than they used to be. Over the last decade or so agile iterative approaches (like Scrum) have become extremely popular in place of the waterfall methods.

Your diagram illustrates some of the problems with the kind of lifecycle you are describing.

Prototyping is typically expensive and time-consuming compared to testing, inspecting and adapting a working product (although prototypes can have a role in certain circumstances).

As far as database design is concerned, up-front requirements analysis seldom yields accurate and detailed enough information to build a good database independent of other parts of the solution.

Testing is not a separate phase. It is an integral part of developing any solution.

