How to set the root application directory?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-13 05:18:07


I have created my first droplet, but I don't know how to set the root application directory? I tried to create a folder for my app name in /home/dokku/app_name Then, I did cd app_name and then git init Then I added a remote repo:

git remote add dokku

But, when try to push I get error:

fatal: 'app_name' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

How to configure this? How to set the root application directory?


Follow the following steps if you haven't:

(on server)

  1. Login to server as root. cd ~ (Go to home dir of root)
  2. cd app_name
  3. git init --bare (It should give you message that it initialized a git repo)

(Local System)

  1. cd app_name
  2. git init (It should give you message that it initialized a git repo)
  3. git add . (to stage all files in current dir to commit)
  4. git commit
  5. git remote add dokku
  6. git push dokku master (first time you need to9 give the name of branch to push as remote repo does not have any branch of itself yet.

Hope this solves your prob!

