Embedded Youtube player getting cut off

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-13 01:33:37


I am trying to embed youtube video in my android app using WebView. Here is the code:

    WebView mView = new WebView(getContext());

    String embeded = loadPlayer(); // this is javascript string containing YtPlayer api
    WebSettings webSettings = mPreview.getSettings();

    WebChromeClient mChromeClient = new WebChromeClient();
    mView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
    mView.loadDataWithBaseURL("http://www.youtube.com", embeded, "text/html", "utf-8", null);

The problem I am having is my video gets clipped somewhere in the middle and the touch events on video don't work. Here is the link to screenshot:

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here.

P.S. - This happens only on ICS 4.0.3 and it works fine on JellyBean 4.1

Any help is greatly appreciated.


I just got same type of error.

Here the problem is of Relative-Layout. Don't take Relative Layout when using Webview.

Always go for Linear-Layout. The time i changed Relative to Linear the View was Perfect.


You can turn off hardware acceleration and it fixes this issue for me. However, it does not play any longer on Amazon devices. I'm still looking for a fix to satisfy both issues.

webview.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

