jssor - parameter to define the duration of the static position before playing out

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-13 00:23:30


I couldn't find the answer through the documentation. How to set the d, du, du2 parameters so that I can obtain:

Here is my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong)...

  1. I start an animation after a certain time (compared to previous animation stop): d
  2. Duration of the play-in animation: du (time it takes to run the play-in animation I guess)
  3. Duration of the "static position": ???? <== I don't find any parameter for this
  4. Duration of the play-out animation: du2 (time it takes to run the play-out animation I guess)

My objective is to have 2 texts. Text1 plays-in, stays a while and plays-out, while Text2 would, for example stay longer on the screen before playing out.

Is this possible?

Many thanks


Yes, it's possible. And you understand well.

Re 3: Please use b2 to reach the goal.

