What causes the “Disconnecting: Encountered END_OF_STREAM” session message in QuickFix/J?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-12 21:08:11


I am using QuickFix/J version 1.6.4 within Apache Camel 2.17.0 and I get the session message Disconnecting: Encountered END_OF_STREAM. It is not an error, but in my case it leads to an unintentional Logoff.

What circumstances can lead to this message and how do I analyze which circumstance in my case is the cause?


I found the answer of this question in this blog post by bhageera.

In the end the reason was pretty silly… the counterparty I was connecting to allows only 1 connection per user/password (i.e. session with those credentials) at a time. As it turns out there was another application using the same credentials against the same TargetCompID. As soon as that application was killed off, the current one logged in fine.

In my case, two clients with the same credentials were active on two different test environments.

