How to set auto increment into non primary key?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-12 18:17:22


How would I set a database auto increment field that is not a primary key on the creation method?

The only way is using a raw query?

DB::statement('ALTER TABLE table CHANGE field field INT(10)AUTO_INCREMENT');


It is not implemented to do so. However, I found this over at the Laravel Forums:

Schema::table('table', function(Blueprint $t) {
    // Add the Auto-Increment column

    // Remove the primary key

    // Set the actual primary key

This is not tested but should work. I am not sure about how Laravel calls their primary keys, maybe you have to check that first and adapt the dropPrimary() line in order to make it work.


I do not feel safe doing some workaround at migrations, so I did this inside model file:

 *  Setup model event hooks
public static function boot()
    self::creating(function ($model) {
        $model->field_here = $model->count() + 1;

If you want disable autoincrementing add this at the beginning of the model file:

public $incrementing = FALSE;


The current answer does not work, auto-incrementing columns must be primary keys. I recommend using firstOrCreate when inserting to get the same level of uniqueness (provided you still want an auto-incrementing key available).

