Declare non-template friend function for template class outside the class

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-12 14:53:29


The following non-template code works well:

struct A { };

struct B
    B() {}
    B(const A&) {}
    friend B operator+(const B&) { return B(); }    

B operator+(const B&);

int main()
    A a;
    B b;

But if I make classes in this code templated:

template <class T>
struct A { };

template <class T>
struct B
    B() {}
    B(const A<T>&) {}
    friend B operator+(const B&) { return B(); }    

template <class T>
B<T> operator+(const B<T>&); // not really what I want 

int main()
    A<int> a;
    B<int> b;

some kind of troubles appear:

error: no match for 'operator+' (operand type is 'A<int>')

Is it possible to declare non-template friend function for template class outside the class (as I did for non-template classes above)?

I can solve the problem by adding template operator for A<T> argument and call friend function inside, but it is not interesting.


Another workaround (inspired by R Sahu's answer) is add friend declaration for class A:

template <class T>
struct A { 
    friend B<T> operator+(const B<T>&);

but this gives a warning, and I don't know how to fix it correctly.


Is it possible to declare non-template friend function for template class outside the class (as I did for non-template classes above)?

Yes, it is possible. However, what you probably need is a function template too, and make sure that operator+<int> is a friend of A<int>, operator+<double> is a friend of A<double>, etc.

See to understand how that can be done.


Is it possible to declare non-template friend function for template class outside the class?

Answer: yes, but... you need to declare a function for each one combinations you use:

This funcion solves the problem for your puntual declaration:

A<int> operator+(const A<int>&) { return A<int>(); }

But, if you use A< double>, you need to explicity declare other function:

A<double> operator+(const A<double>&) { return A<double>(); }

Is not requiered friend because in a struct all member are public

