How to add album art to mp3 file using python 3?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-12 12:15:23


I was wondering what module to use for setting an image as the album art for a particular mp3 file. Mutagen seemed to be a popular choice, but it doesn't seem to work on python 3 and I can't find any documentation.


Here's a modified version of the code I use. You will want to change the example.mp3 and cover.jpg (and perhaps the mime type too):

import eyed3

audiofile = eyed3.load('example.mp3')
if (audiofile.tag == None):

audiofile.tag.images.set(3, open('cover.jpg','rb').read(), 'image/jpeg')

tag.images.set() takes three arguments:

  • Picture Type: This is the type of image it is. 3 is the code for the front cover art. You can find them all here.
  • Image Data: This is the binary data of your image. In the example, I load this in using open().read().
  • Mime Type: This is the type of file the binary data is. If it's a jpg file, you'll want image/jpeg, and if it's a png file, you'll want image/png.

