How to fix onclick in Phonegap/Android especially in lower versions of Android?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-12 10:27:10


My onclick functionality works in Android devices versions 4, but not in lower versions.

I am facing a similar problem with the CSS position:fixed that did not work in Android devices with lower versions. The alternative I took up was iscroll, but I have yet to fix it up.

I am working in Phonegap/Android using Cordova 2.1.0 and Android 2.2.

My SQLITE plugin is compatible with Cordova 2.1.0.


<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="scroller">
      <div id="header " class="header ">
        <div id="header_title" class="header_title"> </div>
        <div id="abc" class="abc"><img src="img/home.png" onClick="javascript:abc();"/></div>

And another way of calling a page in Javascript is the following:

if(value_in_db==0) {
  document.getElementById("xyz").innerHTML = '<img src="img/inactive.png" />'
} else {
  document.getElementById("xyz").innerHTML = '<img src="img/active.png" onclick="xyz()"/> '

In the Function

function xyz(){

Images are positioned perfectly. But when I click, it does not call and very seldon it calls.


All the functionalities work in the higher versions except the devices with lower versions of Android say version 2.2.1.

Please do guide me! How can i fix this?


Could you try to handle your click with the addEventListener function?

