AnkhSvn doesn't add files to SVN

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-12 07:45:30


This is a known issue - when files are added using Ankh, they are not really added to SVN. Many a times this has caused problems, for instance when committing later through TortoiseSvn only to find missing files, or when creating a patch.

Is there a workaround, or some plans to fix this is a future Ankh release?

Edit - to clarify, when I commit using Ankh, the files are really added. But if the commit is not done using Ankh, the files are not added (unlike other SVN operations which do carry over).


I wouldn't say it's a "known issue", because it's not an issue in AnkhSVN in the first place:

First off all, when you commit the "new" files, they're added just in time for the commit. The reason for the "new" status vs the "added" status, is that it makes it easier/cheaper to do renames/moves, something that's very common for new files.

When you go to Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Subversion Environment, there's a checkbox "Directly add new files to Subversion". This will automatically add new files right away, instead of giving them the "new" status.

