Function to transform empirical distribution to a uniform distribution in Matlab?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-12 06:01:02


I know the procedure of transforming one distribution to another by the use of CDF. However, I would like to know if there is existing function in Matlab which can perform this task?

My another related question is that I computed CDF of my empirical using ecdf() function in Matlab for a distribution with 10,000 values. However, the output that I get from it contains only 9967 values. How can I get total 10,000 values for my CDF? Thanks.


As you say, all you need is the CDF. The CDF of a normal distribution can be expressed in terms of the erf Matlab function.

Untested example:

C = @(x)(0.5 * (1 + erf(x/sqrt(2))));

x = randn(1,1000);  % Zero-mean, unit variance
y = C(x);           % Approximately uniform


for t=1:nT 
    [f_CDFTemp,x_CDFTemp]=ecdf(uncon_noise_columndata_all_nModels_diff_t(:,1,t)); % compute CDF of empirical distribution
    f_CDF(1:length(f_CDFTemp),t) = f_CDFTemp; % store the CDF of different distributions with unequal size in a new variable
    x_CDF(1:length(x_CDFTemp),t) = x_CDFTemp;
    [Noise.N, Noise.X]=hist((a_unifdist+(b_unifdist-a_unifdist).*f_CDF(:,t)),100); % generate the uniform distribution by using the CDF of empirical distribution as the CDF of the uniform distribution
    generatedNoise(:,:,t)=emprand(Noise.X,nRows,nCol); % sample some random numbers from the uniform distribution generated above by using 'emrand' function


This is not exactly what you are looking for, but it shows how to do the opposite. Reversing it should not be that bad.

