Is it possible to make the height of a DIV match the width of a DIV with Compass or Susy?

久未见 提交于 2019-12-12 02:34:37


I am creating a completely fluid design portfolio site that has a design thumbnail gallery page showing a grid of thumbnail tile links which a viewer can click to see the full art work. Since the site is completely fluid, the tile widths only match the tile height 3 times as one switches between the 3 responsive states since the heights are locked in place.

How can I make the height match the width of each thumbnail tile?

Here is the code:

@import compass
@import susy
@import normalize

$total-columns  : 4
$column-width   : 60px            
$gutter-width   : 20px           
$grid-padding   : $gutter-width

$container-style: fluid

$tablet : 9
$desktop : 14

// Susy-grid-background override to draw out horizontal lines
  +grid-background($total-columns, $column-width, $gutter-width, $base-line-height, $gutter-width, $force-fluid: true) 

$base-font-size: 18px
$base-line-height: 30px

  background-color: rgb(111, 50%, 250)

  background: rgba(200,50,0,.2)
  text-align: right     

  width: 100%

  +adjust-leading-to(4, 90px)
  +leader(2, 90px)
  background: rgb(0,20,200)

  +adjust-leading-to(2, 30px)
  +leader(0, 30px)

  +adjust-leading-to(1, 25px)


.page, header, .pagenav, .main, .pagefoot
  +transition(all .3s ease)

/* 5 Column Layout */

  +container($total-columns, $tablet, $desktop)

/* ------------------- BREAKPOINTS ---------------------------- */
/* ------------------- MOBILE (default) ------------------------*/


  position: fixed
  left: 0
  right: 0
  bottom: 0
  height: 2.3em
  background: rgba(250,250,250,.7)

  h1#logo a
    float: right
    background: red

    background: green

    background: rgba(150,200,250,.3)

      background: #ffccff
      text-align: left

  margin-top: 1em
  background: rgba(1,240,200,.3)

  +isolate-grid(2, 4)
  height: 206px
  height: 233px
  margin-bottom: 1em
  background: cyan

    +adjust-leading-to(1, 15px)
    background: #af6   

    @extend .tile_title
    +adjust-leading-to(1, 10px)

/* ------------------- TABLET ----------------------------------*/



    position: fixed
    left: 0
    right: 0
    bottom: 0
    height: 2.3em
    background: rgba(250,250,250,.7)

    h1#logo a
      float: right
      background: red

      +span-columns(1 omega)
      background: green

      +span-columns(2 omega,9)
      background: rgba(150,200,250,.3)

        background: #ffccff
        text-align: left

    margin-top: 1em

      +span-columns(7, 9)

    +isolate-grid(3, 9)
    height: 304px
    margin-bottom: 1em
    background: cyan

      +adjust-leading-to(1, 25px)
      background: #af6   
      margin: 10px
      padding: 5px

      @extend .tile_title
      +adjust-leading-to(1, 20px)

/* -------------------DESKTOP ----------------------------------*/


    position: fixed
    left: 0
    right: 0
    top: 0
    height: 0
    z-index: 3

    h1#logo a
      float: right
      background: red

      clear: both
      float: right
      background: rgba(150,200,250,.3)

    +span-columns(12 omega)
    z-index: 1
    position: relative
    background: rgba(1,240,200,.3)

      +span-columns(10, 14)

    +isolate-grid(4, 12)
    height: 304px
    margin-bottom: 1em

      +adjust-leading-to(1, 25px)
      background: #af6   
      margin: 10px
      padding: 5px

      @extend .tile_title
      +adjust-leading-to(1, 20px)

Here are the screen shots of site in various widths:

4 Column Responsive Mobile State

Tiles look like squares: GOOD

320px X 480px: Tiles get squished: BAD

Tiles get stretched: BAD

9 Column Responsive Tablet State

Tiles look like squares: GOOD

Tiles get squished: BAD

14 Column Responsive Desktop State

Tiles look like squares: GOOD

Tiles get stretched: BAD


Since I have implemented the use of Eric Meyer's fluid-ratio mixin from I was able to successfully get all my tile thumbnails to have equal height and width no matter the width of the browser window. The problem now is that the h3.tile_title and h4.tile_use elements are overlapping each other in each a.tile. the fluid-ratio mixin makes all my a.tile have position: relative and all it's children, h3.tile_title and h4.tile_use, have position: absolute. Here is a screen shot of whats happening:

Since some of my h3 titles wrap to become 2 lines in the a, I would like to be able to position the h4 so the h4 is always just below the h3. How would this be possible?


CSS Tricks has a great rundown of fluid-media techniques. I'm a big fan of the Intrinsic Ratios option, and use a set of mixins to make it super-simple. I based that on code from toolkit, which now does things a bit differently. Use it something like this:

  +isolate-grid(4, 12)
  // ratio of 16/9, with a width equal to 4 of 12 columns
  +fluid-ratio(16/9, columns(4,12))

If you have extra markup you can use that for the ratio, and leave out the columns() function:

  +isolate-grid(4, 12)

  // ratio of 16/9, auto (100%) width

Hope that helps.


  1. Calculate the optimal font size based on the width (and height) of the display
  2. Give the tiles a width in em and the same height. 10em seems like a good value.

See jsfiddle. Or, better for demonstration purposes, only the output pane of the same fiddle.

