Scala Play Framework JSON JsNull using json4s

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-11 22:07:19


I'm new to Scala. How do I handle the JsNull value in my code?

I'm using json4s to convert the JSON to a map. Should I somehow be converting JsNull to an Option?


Play JSON : creating json

val jsonA: JsValue = Json.obj(
      "name" -> "Bob",
      "location" -> "Irvine",
      "resident" -> "No",
      "nick-name" -> "Bigwig",
      "age" -> "6",
      "role" -> JsNull,
      "car" -> "BMW",
      "multiple-residents" -> JsArray(Seq(
          "name" -> JsString("Fiver"),
          "age" -> JsNumber(4),
          "role" -> JsObject(Seq(
                      "position" -> JsString("Fiver"),
                      "" -> JsNumber(4),
                      "role" -> JsString("janitor")

json4s : parsing the json

var jsonAMap:Map[String, Any] = Map()
  val jsonAString: String = Json.stringify(jsonA)
  jsonAMap = jsonStrToMap(jsonAString) 

After the JsValue is converted to a Map using json4s it looks like this:

Map(name -> Bob, location -> Irvine, role -> null, resident -> No, car -> BMW, multiple-residents -> List(Map(name -> Fiver, age -> 4, role -> Map(position -> Fiver,  -> 4, role -> janitor))), age -> 6, nick-name -> Bigwig)

When I create a create a List of the values, I end up with a null value in my list. Once I'm pattern matching all the values of the list I end up trying to patter match a null which is not possible (I'm sure I'm not supposed to use a will card for all my cases, but I'm learning) :

for(i <- 0 to beforeValsList.length - 1){
  beforeValsList(i) match { 
    case _ : Map[_,_] => 
        rdeltaBefore, rdeltaAfter, sameKeyList(i).toString()
    case _ if (beforeValsList(i) != afterValsList(i)) => 
      // if i'm from a recursion, build a new map and add me 
      // to the deltas as a key->value pair
      rdeltaBefore += sameKeyList(i).toString -> beforeValsList(i)
      rdeltaAfter += sameKeyList(i).toString -> afterValsList(i)
    case _ => 
      println("catch all: " + beforeValsList(i).toString 
        + " " + afterValsList(i).toString)

json4s converts JsNull to a null. Should I do a null check:

if(!beforeValsList(i) == null){
      beforeValsList(i) match{...}

Or is there a way for me to change the null to an Option when I'm putting the values from the Map to a List?

I'm not sure what best practices are and why jsno4s changes JsNull to null instead of an Option, and whether or not that's possible.



I'm still not sure how you would like to handle JsNull, null (or None if you use Option), but you function to get the difference between the Map[String, Any] before and after can be simplified :

type JsonMap = Map[String, Any]

def getMapDiffs(mapBefore: JsonMap, mapAfter: JsonMap) : (JsonMap, JsonMap) = {
  val sameKeys = mapBefore.keySet intersect mapAfter.keySet
  val startAcc = (Map.empty[String, Any], Map.empty[String, Any])
  sameKeys.foldLeft(startAcc){ case (acc @ (deltaBefore, deltaAfter), key) =>
    (mapBefore(key), mapAfter(key)) match {
      // two maps -> add map diff recursively to before diff and after diff
      case (beforeMap: Map[_, _], afterMap: Map[_, _]) =>
        val (deltaB, deltaA) = 
          getMapDiffs(beforeMap.asInstanceOf[JsonMap], afterMap.asInstanceOf[JsonMap])
        (deltaBefore + (key -> deltaB), deltaAfter + (key -> deltaA))
      // values before and after are different
      // add values to before diff and after diff
      case (beforeValue, afterValue) if beforeValue != afterValue =>
        (deltaBefore + (key -> beforeValue), deltaAfter + (key -> afterValue))
      // keep existing diff  
      case _ => acc

Which can be used as:

val (mapBefore, mapAfter) = (
  Map("a" -> "alpha", "b" -> "beta", "c" -> "gamma", "d" -> Map("e" -> "epsilon")),
  Map("a" -> "alpha", "b" -> List("beta"), "c" -> null, "d" -> Map("e" -> 3))

val (deltaBefore, deltaAfter) = getMapDiffs(mapBefore, mapAfter)
// deltaBefore: JsonMap = Map(b -> beta, c -> gamma, d -> Map(e -> epsilon))
// deltaAfter: JsonMap = Map(b -> List(beta), c -> null, d -> Map(e -> 3))

// List[(String, Any)] = List((b,beta), (c,gamma), (d,Map(e -> epsilon)))

