General approach to reading lnk files

可紊 提交于 2019-11-27 03:38:32


Several frameworks and languages seem to have lnk file parsers (C#, Java, Python, certainly countless others), to get to their targets, properties, etc. I'd like to know what is the general approach to reading lnk files, if I want to parse the lnk in another language that does not have said feature. Is there a Windows API for this?


There is not an official document from Microsoft describing lnk file format but there are some documents which have description of the format. Here is one of them: Shortcut File Format (.lnk)

As for the API you can use IShellLink Interface


This is an old post, but here is my C# implementation for lnk processing that handles the entire spec

more info and command line tool here


Simply use lnk file parser at J.A.F.A.T. Archive of Forensics Analysis Tools project.

See at

There seems no have no dependencies. Syntax is simple and link file becomes a simple text in standard output and to be usable on Linux.


@Giorgi: Actually, there is an official specification of lnk files, at least it is claimed so: However, for some reason, the link seems to be dead, and after downloading the whole (45Megs) doc package (, it appears that it does not include the file MS-SHLLINK.pdf.

But is this really surprising ?

Once you got the file format, shouldn't be too hard to write code to read it.


Using WSH-related components seems the most convenient option to read .lnk files in most languages on a post-XP windows system. You just need access to the COM environment and instantiate the WScript.Shell Component. (remember that on win, references to the Shell usually refer to explorer.exe)

The following snippet, e.g. does the thing on PHP: (PHP 5, using the COM object)

$wsh=new COM('WScript.Shell'); // the wsh object

// please note $wsh->CreateShortcut method actually
// DOES THE READING, if the file already exists. 
echo $lnk->TargetPath,"\n";

This other one, instead, does the same on VBScript:

set sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set lnk = sh.CreateShortcut("./Shortcut.lnk")
MsgBox lnk.TargetPath

Most examples in the field are written in VB/VBS, but they translate well on the whole range of languages supporting COM and WSH interaction in a form or another.

This simple tutorial may come handy, as it lists and exemplifies some of the most interesting properties of a .lnk file other than the most important: TargetPath. Those are:

  • WindowStyle,
  • Hotkey,
  • IconLocation,
  • Description,
  • WorkingDirectory

