How to implement Null Object pattern on data class in Kotlin?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-11 17:31:36


I have a Kotlin data class:

data class PaymentAccount(
    val accountId: Int,
    val accountNumber: String,
    val title: String

This is what I'd do in Java:

Create an abstract class:

public abstract class PaymentAccount {

    protected int accountId;
    protected String accountNumber;
    protected String title;

    public PaymentAccount(int accountId,
                          String accountNumber,
                          String title) {
        this.accountId = accountId;
        this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
        this.title = title;

Create null object and extend abstract class:

public class NullPaymentAccount extends PaymentAccount {

    public NullPaymentAccount() {
                "Invalid account number",
                "Invalid title");

Create a real object and extend abstract class too:

public class RealPaymentAccount extends PaymentAccount {

    public RealPaymentAccount(int accountId,
                              String accountNumber,
                              String title) {

How to implement Null Object pattern in Kotlin properly? Is there more than one way? If so, what is the most concise and elegant way?


In Kotlin you can do the same, just with less lines of code:

interface Account {
    val accountId: Int
    val accountNumber: String
    val title: String

object EmptyAccount : Account {
        override val accountId: Int = 1
        override val accountNumber: String = ""
        override val title: String = ""

data class PaymentAccount(
        override val accountId: Int,
        override val accountNumber: String,
        override val title: String): Account

Notice that we also make EmptyAccount singletone for efficiency.


While the solution you've been given already is fine, you might not need to have an explicit class to represent a null state if your default values aren't all or nothing. I would argue that providing defaults for all of your fields is the null object pattern.

For example, you could write your class like this:

data class PaymentAccount(
    val accountId: Int = -1,
    val accountNumber: String = "Invalid Account Number",
    val title: String = "Invalid Title"

And when you construct them:

PaymentAccount(1, "Acct2", "Checking") // Actual data
PaymentAccount() // Default values, therefore a "null" object.

The only real problem is when you only specify some of the values, but that might be ok/desirable:

PaymentAccount(1) // accountNumber and title have defaults

