Twitter analytics data via Stream API using OAuth (access token)

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-11 16:20:12


I want the twitter analytics data, some values like:

  • retweets, *followers,
  • demographics and
  • geographic data.

I have Access Tokens for multiple users, and I want to access their data of Twitter Analytics.

I have checked this thread too: C# console application Streaming API 1.1 + Oauth

but my scenario is different, I don't want the data for a single user only, I have multiple users with their access tokens. How can I accomplish this task?

I have seen their Rest API, it's not possible from it. So I have moved towards Twitter's Streaming API, but I have seen many blogs which keeps telling that Twitter's Stream API can't be used via OAuth.

I am using C#.


It is definitely possible to use OAuth to access the Twitter Stream API. Simply use Tweetinvi, set your credentials and you should be able to access the Streaming API straight away.


var stream = Stream.CreateUserStream();
stream.TweetCreatedByMe += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine("User posted : ", args.Tweet.Text);

