How does Grails 2.5.6 parse and map request JSON to POGO?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-11 15:42:54


Tl;dr: I want to get test MyCmdTest."data bind works" in this code green.
Thanks to Jeff Scott Brown for getting me that far.

I have a POGO with some custom conversions from JSON which I expect to receive in a Grails controller:

def myAction(MyCmd myData) {


class MyCmd {
    SomeType some

    void setSome(Object value) {
        this.some = customMap(value)

Note how customMap creates an instance of SomeType from a JSON value (say, a String). Let's assume the default setter won't work; for instance, an pattern we have around more than once is an enum like this:

enum SomeType {
    Foo(17, "foos"),
    Bar(19, "barista")

    int id
    String jsonName

    SomeType(id, jsonName) { = id
        this.jsonName = jsonName

Here, customMap would take an integer or string, and return the matching case (or null, if none fits).

Now, I have a unit test of the following form:

class RegistrationCmdTest extends Specification {
    String validData // hard-coded, conforms to JSON schema

    void test() {
        MyCmd cmd = new MyCmd(JSON.parse(validData))
        // check members: success

        MyCmd cmd2 = JSON.parse(validData) as MyCmd
        // check members: success

Apparently, setSome is called in both variants.

I also have a controller unit test that sets the request JSON to the same string:

void "register successfully"() {
    ResonseCmd = someMock()

    controller.request.method = 'POST'
    controller.request.contentType = "application/json"
    controller.request.json = validData

    // successful validations: service called, etc.

Basically the same thing also runs as integration test.

However, the mapping fails when running the full application; some == null.

Which methods do I have to implement or override so Grails calls my conversions (here, customMap) instead of inserting null where it doesn't know what to do?


It's possible to customize data binding using the @BindUsing annotation:

@BindUsing({ newCmd, jsonMap ->
SomeType someType

See also the MWE repo.

Sources: Hubert Klein Ikkink @ DZone, Official Docs (there are other ways to customize)

