Eclipse debugger crashes when debugging a project

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-11 12:17:44


I am working on a java application in eclipse Indigo. I was working and debugging the project with no problems but at one attempt, the jvm gave an error and the run window crashed. After that now when I run the debugger on that specific project, the main program loads after 10-15 seconds and when it does, it hangs and closes down the program upon any action. The program runs fine in "Run Mode". I check debugger for one other project in the workspace and it works fine for that, but is only giving problem for this one specific project.

I have tried running Eclipse again, clean and build project again, remove extra breakpoints and try again but the problem exists. How can I solve this problem, it is really annoying me as I have to deliver the project and without debugging I cannot track the data coming in and out.


Try restarting Eclipse with the -clean option ("eclipse.exe -clean"). This will cause Eclipse to clean the workspace metadata and rebuild it from the projects. This should take care of this problem.

