Peer to Peer Voice chat between via bluetooth or in a local WiFi network in iOS

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-11 08:05:33


I want to implement the voice chat between two iOS devices without using WiFi or cellular network within the range of Bluetooth.

I have done the text chat within Bluetooth range using multipeer connectivity framework, But I also want to do voice chat like text chat within the Bluetooth range.

I found that we can implement the voice chat using GameKit but I have not found any reference of tutorial yet, How to Implement voice chat.

UPDATE: I found that the GameKit VoiceChatService has been deprecated after iOS 7.0. is There another way to call another iOS device on the same network.

I found that this app work calls the user on the same wifi network.

Thanks in advance.


If you already have a Bluetooth connection, you should just start sending chunks of audio data.

I made a library years ago that can read / play audio stream. See eppz!capture for more. EPPZCapture and EPPZCaptureBufferParser in particular. They provide / consume CMSampleBufferRef together.

I don't support this code, but you can use it as some source of inspiration for your own streaming code.

However, there are countless libraries for that, like,,

Furthermore, I think you can still use GKVoiceChat, classes are there. Docs above don't even show deprecation (while the compiler may show).

