Bixby: How do I set an initial-value to self BirthdayInfo in a date-picker within a input-view?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-11 06:06:59


What additional steps do I need to take set the date-picker's initial-value to the user's birthday using the viv.self library? Is this the best place to handle this? Currently I am setting the default to 30 Years Prior.

render {
date-picker {
  // Default Date -30 Years (viv.self Birthday Option)
  initial-value ("subtractDuration(now().date, 'P30Y')")
  restrictions {
    // allow selection 80 Years Ago
    min-allowed ("subtractDuration(now().date, 'P80Y')")
    // to allow selection 18 Years Ago
    max-allowed ("subtractDuration(now().date, 'P18Y')")



  1. You can use a match-pattern to achieve this.
  2. Birthday is a part of the library but is not available in the viv.self library.

In your Action, create an additional attribute of type time.Date (or a concept with role-of of time.Date) to hold the Birthday.

Heres how the code would look like.

action (GetBirthDate) {
  description (Collect the date selected by a user)

  collect {

    input (usersBirthday) {
      type (BirthDate)
      min (Required) max (One)
      default-init {
        intent {
        // TO-DO Get the birthday with an intent

    // This input will hold the value entered by the user
    computed-input (birthDate) {
      type (BirthDate)
      min (Required) max (One)
      compute {
        intent {
          goal: BirthDate
  } output (BirthDate)

The BirthDate concept used in the code above looks like this

structure (BirthDate) {
  description (__DESCRIPTION__)
  role-of (time.Date)

Your input-view will look like this. This defines a match-pattern that is invoked whenever we need an input view for BirthDate and that BirthDate is functioning as an input back to the action.

Checkout match patterns here:

input-view {
  match: BirthDate (this) {
    to-input {
      GetBirthDate (action)

  render {
    date-picker {
      initial-value (action.usersBirthday)
      restrictions {
        // allow selection 80 Years Ago
        min-allowed ("subtractDuration(now().date, 'P80Y')")
        // to allow selection 18 Years Ago
        max-allowed ("subtractDuration(now().date, 'P18Y')")

