Handling clicks on links myself - JQuery Mousedown

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-11 04:45:52


I want to handle clicks on specific elements myself. So that if I click it with the left mousebutton it opens the link in the current tab and if I click it with the middlebutton, it opens it in a new tab. I want to do this by getting the href attribute from the link and use window.open()

Is this even possible without running into popupblocker issues?

So for starters I tried to prevent the opening of the link.


<a href="somelink.php" class="prev_cl"><img src="someimg.png" /></a>


$(function() {
    $('.prev_cl').on('mousedown', function(e){
        return false;

But even this isn't working, it still opens the link. If I put an alert before "return false" it actually doesn't trigger the click and shows the alertbox. But who wants an alert box everytime they click a link?

I also tried using both mouseup and mousedown events, but that didn't work either

Another thing I tried was putting the return false to the element itself, meaning:

 <a href="somelink.php" onclick="return false" class="prev_cl"><img src="someimg.png" /></a>

Then on the javascript part I added window.open() to it

But 1) clicking with middlemousebutton still works and 2) Firefox blocks the opening of the window because it thinks it is a popup


event.preventDefault() of jQuery can be used to prevent the default action of an event, in this case the click.


Also, you can catch middle (or any) mouse button like this: Jquery: detect if middle or right mouse button is clicked, if so, do this:


Put your handler on the click event, not mousedown.

$(function() {
        'click': function(e){
          	if (e.which == 1) {
                var button = "left";
            } else {
                button = "middle";
            console.log(button+" click");
        'contextmenu': function(e) {
            console.log("right click");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a href="somelink.php" class="prev_cl"><img src="someimg.png" /></a>

