How to get elements with a unique number from a json array in PostgreSQL?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-11 03:18:49


I have a table bank_accounts:

    Column     |         Type          |                                Modifiers                                | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 id            | integer               | not null default nextval('bank_accounts_id_seq'::regclass)              | plain    |              | 
 name          | character varying(50) |                                                                         | extended |              | 
 bank_accounts | jsonb                 | not null                                                                | extended |              | 

And it has some JSON in the jsonb column:

 id | name  |                              bank_accounts                               
  1 | test1 | [{"name": "acct1", "balance": -500}, {"name": "acct2", "balance": -300}]

And I am using jsonb_array_elements to get a list of the accounts for one user:

select jsonb_array_elements(bank_accounts)->>'name' as name, jsonb_array_elements(bank_accounts)->>'balance' as balance from bank_accounts;
 name  | balance 
 acct1 | -500
 acct2 | -300

That's all great. But how do I get each row to have a unique id? I'd like to map each row to a hibernate object, but I'm having trouble doing that because I can't find a way to get each row to have a unique id.


Try a different, clean approach with JOIN LATERAL:

select, t.rn
     , t.account->>'name' AS name
     , t.account->>'balance' AS balance
FROM   bank_accounts b
LEFT   JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(b.bank_accounts)
                    WITH ORDINALITY AS t (account, rn) ON true;

If you don't care for rows with empty or null values in bank_accounts, use a simpler CROSS JOIN:

select, t.rn
     , t.account->>'name' AS name
     , t.account->>'balance' AS balance
FROM   bank_accounts b
     , jsonb_array_elements(b.bank_accounts) WITH ORDINALITY AS t (account, rn);

The key element for your problem is WITH ORDINALITY which produces row numbers on the fly for set-returning functions. It was introduced with Postgres 9.4 - works for you, jsonb was also introduced with 9.4.

Those are unique per underlying row. To be unique across the whole table, add the id of the underlying table.


  • PostgreSQL unnest() with element number


  • Query for array elements inside JSON type
  • How to turn a simple json(b) int array into an integer[] in PostgreSQL 9.4+

