【SQL】sqlzoo练习题The nobel table can be used to practice more subquery.

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-11 02:19:34


上一篇:sqlzoo练习题SELECT within SELECT Tutorial

1.紅十字國際委員會 (International Committee of the Red Cross) 曾多次獲得和平獎。 試找出與紅十字國際委員會同年得獎的文學獎(Literature)得獎者和年份。
nobel(yr, subject, winner)

SELECT winner,yr FROM nobel
 where subject = 'Literature' and yr in
  (select yr from nobel
   where winner = 'International Committee of the Red Cross' and subject = 'Peace ')

2.日本物理學家益川敏英 (Toshihide Maskawa) 曾獲得物理獎。同年還有兩位日本人一同獲得物理獎。試列出這2位日本人的名稱。
nobel(yr, subject, winner)

select winner from nobel
 where yr in
  (select yr from nobel
   where winner = 'Toshihide Maskawa' ) and subject = 'Physics ' and winner != 'Toshihide Maskawa'

3.首次頒發的經濟獎 (Economics)的得獎者是誰?
nobel(yr, subject, winner)

select winner from nobel x
 where yr <=
  all(select yr from nobel y
   where subject = 'Economics' and  x.subject = y.subject) and subject = 'Economics'

nobel(yr, subject, winner) 、

select distinct yr from nobel
 where subject = 'Physics' and yr not in
  (select yr from nobel
   where subject = 'Chemistry')

5.哪幾年的得獎者人數多於12人呢? 列出得獎人數多於12人的年份,獎項和得獎者。
nobel(yr,subject, winner)

select * from nobel
 where yr in
  (select yr from nobel
   group by yr having count(winner) > 12)

6.哪些得獎者獲獎多於1次呢?他們是哪一年獲得哪項獎項呢? 列出他們的名字,獲獎年份及獎項。先按名字,再按年份順序排序。
nobel(yr, subject, winner)

select winner,yr,subject from nobel
 where winner in
  (select winner from nobel
   group by winner having count(winner) >=2) order by winner,yr