ASP.Net MVC List of Checkboxes

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-11 02:09:03


I am passing a model to a view, which containt a List of items. A DefaultCategories has an id (int), a description (string), and a selected boolean property.

I need to list these items, with a checkbox, and check the ones where the selected property is true.

So, I was trying this:

        Assigned Categories</h1>
        <%foreach (var cat in Model.DefaultCategories)
                <%=cat.Category %>
                <%=Html.CheckBoxFor(...) %>

I'm not sure how to handle the CheckBoxFor. I will also need to query these checkboxes when the Submit is clicked....


The anwer to the displaying of the Checkboxes was to simply use this:

<%=Html.CheckBoxFor(x=>cat.Selected) %>


This is to bind the checkbox to the Description. Instead of a forech, why don't you use a datagrid?

<% Html.Telerik().Grid<ModelName>(TempData[SomeList] as List<T>)
                            .DataKeys(keys => { keys.Add(x => x.Id); })
                            .Columns(cols =>
                               cols.Template(o =>

                                   <%=Html.SecureCheckBoxFor(model => model.Description, Model.Description)

