Gridx/Dojo & jQuery : Is there a callback when sorting is completed?

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-10 21:17:30


This table is generated using GridX / dojo in NodeWebkit. The "[BV][B][V]" are links that are handled by jQuery using class selector. However, once I sort the grid, the listeners are unbinded. How do I reapply the click function? Is there a callback when sorting & rendering is complete?


There is no callback or event that I know of when sorting is complete in gridx.

However, the whole grid is re-rendered when it is sorted or filtered. So you can use something like:

grid.connect(grid.body, 'onRender', function(){
    $(document).on("click", "a.myBVlink", function() {
    $(document).on("click", "a.myBlink", function() {
    $(document).on("click", "a.myVlink", function() {


I created a wrapper div and added the click listener to it as -


gridWrapper is not changed. So the listener remains active and the .myLinkClass selector selects the <a href="#" class="myLinkClass">text</a> in spite of sorting.


Like @mccannf initiated I use the re-rendering event. For preventing double working I just use a counting variable and do the work only the second time.
Note: If at initial the grid is empty than I set the counter to 1 because than the event is only called once.

var countRender = 0;
if ( == 0) countRender=1; 

grid.connect(grid.body, 'onRender', function(gridName){
    if (!countRender++) return;

