Test case execution in testlink with Testcase Unique custom field by uploading xml file

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-10 18:32:04


We are using Testlink 1.9.5. I want to execute my testcase using XML file.

But I am facing one issue. my testcases is executing successfully but the custom field result(Actual Time custom field) is not saving. it's like testlink skip it

I am using below XML :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <testcase external_id="kan-8" >
    <notes> Test case has been passed scuccessfully </notes>
        <name><![CDATA[Actual Time]]></name>

I have tried with multiple permutation combeniation but every time I am getting a same result.

My custom fields are define as below :-

