.NET - UserControl Drag & Drop - Child Controls

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-10 18:14:15


I have FlowLayoutPanel and UserControl's on it with drag & drop reordering. This sort of works. But the problem is that child controls prevent dragging of the actual parent UserControl.

So my question is how to enable dragging of a UserControl that contains child controls?


If I understand you right I had the same problem as you and I solved it by propagating events of the child element to it's parent.

If you have a draggable UserControl containing a label. You have to call the events of the UserControl when the events of the label occurs. E.g. in the Label's OnMouseDown() call the UserControl's OnMouseDown() and just pass the Event-Args. I didn't find a better way than handling each event that is required for drag and drop separately.

