Cannot spawn an erlang supervisor from the shell

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-10 15:49:12


I've implemented a gen_server and supervisor: test_server and test_sup. I want to test them from the shell/CLI. I've written their start_link functions such that their names are registered locally.

I've found that I can spawn the test_server from the command line just fine, but a spawned test_sup does not allow me to interact with the server at all.

For example, I can spawn a test_server by executing:

1> spawn(test_server, start_link, []).
2> registered().

I can interact with the server, and everything appears fine.

However, if I try to do the same thing with test_sup, no new names/Pids are registered in my "CLI process" (using registered/0). My test_server appears to have been spawned, but I cannot interact with it (see Lukas Larsson's comment about SASL to see why this is true).

I'd assume I coded an error in my supervisor, but this method of starting my supervisor works perfectly fine:

1> {ok, Pid}= test_sup:start_link([]).
{ok, <0.39.0>}
2> unlink(Pid).
3> registered().

Why is it that I can spawn a gen_server but not a supervisor?


The code I'm using can be found in this post. I'm using echo_server and echo_sup, two very simple modules.

Given that code, this works:

spawn(echo_server, start_link, []).

and this does not:

spawn(echo_sup, start_link, []).


Whenever trying to figure these things out it is usually very helpful to switch on SASL.


That way you will hopefully get to know why you supervisor is terminating.


This explanation was given by Bernard Duggan on the Erlang questions mailing list:

Linked processes don't automatically die when a process they are linked to exits with code 'normal'. That's why [echo_server] doesn't exit when the spawning process exits. So why does the supervisor die? The internals of the supervisor module are in fact themselves implemented as a gen_server, but with process_flag(trap_exit, true) set. The result of this is that when the parent process dies, terminate() gets called (which doesn't happen when trap_exit is disabled) and the supervisor shuts down. It makes sense in the context of a supervisor, since a supervisor is spawned by its parent in a supervision tree - if it didn't die whenever its parent shutdown, whatever the reason, you'd have dangling "branches" of the tree.

