Import class in android studio [duplicate]

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-10 15:41:59


I am new in Android Studio. I don't know how to import a class in Android Studio, using shortcut key?

I have used Ctrl + 1 like Eclipse but it's not working in Android Studio.

Any solution ?


Look everytool has its own different ways

for import you can use Alt + Enter

here is link for shortcuts for android studio

for easiness you can do this , you can use Eclipse shortcuts in Androidstudio

File -> Settings -> Keymap -> <Choose Eclipse from Keymaps dropdown> 


Use the Alt and Enter keys to import.


Alt + Enter in android studio .

Alt + Enter key binding

For quick fixes to coding errors, the IntelliJ powered IDE implements the Alt + Enter key binding to fix errors (missing imports, variable assignments, missing references, etc) when possible, and if not, suggest the most probable solution.

Please read Android Studio Tips and Tricks


  1. step 1 > click on the red error code
  2. step 2 > Alt + Enter and you will get a list of recommendations to solve the error
  3. step 3 > if "import class" is available in the list, select it by pressing enter again and the class will import automatically


Also, it's worth noting that you can auto-import classes in Android Studio. Just search for it in Settings and check off "Add unambiguous imports on the fly".


1.step 1 -> Where red error code is showing click on that

2.step 2 -> Now you use ALT+Enter key to import.

Follow this link its useful for you to find shortcut key for android studio :

