PHP parser for cachegrind files?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-10 12:46:10


Is there such a thing?

I'm on windows and using the WinCacheGrind app and it doesn't seem to work with large files (~2 MB). I get errors like "cannot find call target".

Do you know any parser for such files written in PHP that can help me build my own cachegrind analyzer?


i am not sure if that is possible in PHP, but can try, if you just want to read cachegrind files, KCacheGrind actually works on linux but someone has ported it to run on windows

Reference: Windows Callgrind results browser, alternative to KCacheGrind


For a little while now, I've been using webGrind.

It's fantastic for debugging a server where you don't have easy/fast access to the files, as it is all read/interpreted remotely, then viewed online.

The platform independence has been great for me, as I develop on 3 computers and a laptop. As long as I can view a webpage where I'm working, I can debug my output. No need to install the same application across 4 separate computers, and eliminates the need to constantly transfer giant debugging files between said computers.

Nowadays I see it as a web application as necessary as something like phpMyAdmin.

I really hope this helps someone else trying to tackle a similar usage scenario.

EDIT: If you want to see it in action, WAMP comes with it (Mostly) preconfigured. []


In my experience, QCacheGrind (Windows-version of KCacheGrind) is much faster than WebGrind and very stable:

