Get process resource by PID

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-10 11:55:20


I want to write web SSH console, and i found two problems.

What i want to do. First I want to execute start.php file which have following code.

$process = proc_open('start', array(
    0 => array("pipe", "r"), 
    1 => array("pipe", "w"), 
    2 => array("pipe", "a")
), $pipes);

Second i want to run command.php file which run command on created process in start.php file and get results from it.

$pid = 12345;
print_r(process_command('ping', $pid));

I just want to access process (cmd) created in past, send command to it and get result.

Why this is problem, if i can create new process for each command.php execution? Because new process is new session, If i login to mysql in past command.php execution, in next executions i must login to mysql again, because new process not remember i was logged.

Example on windows.

  1. I create new process (cmd) in PHP, my current directory is C:\WebServ\.

  1. I write cd / command, my current directory is C:\.

This is just example, i dont want only change directory, this is not problem for me.

Problem is how to create one process and access to it in next PHP file executions - if i want remember mysql session for example?

  1. I can create process by proc_open function.
  2. I can get PID by get_process_status, but how to get process resource created before current PHP file was executed?

And next question, how to write new command to created process, if accessing to created process in past is possible?

I dont want use PHP extensions. But if this is required in this case, each answer will help me.

If access to process created in other PHP executions is not possible, i want use while(1) to control created process at begin of PHP execution - but i hope this is not required in this case. Then I hope anyone know, how to write new command to created cmd process.

If solution for my question is problem, i will accept answer which tell me how to send commands to cmd.exe process opened by shell_exec, and how to receive response for each command.


proc_open() returns a resource type. Resources cannot be serialized so you cannot save it for later. They are freed at the end of your script execution with the exception of persistent database connections.


What about this very naive* approach:

1) Your start.php script would poll a file resource, e.g. /tmp/ for incoming commands. Of course, the script could only do this as long as your PHP setting max_execution_time permits so be sure to call set_time_limit(0); to remove the limit. If a command is found in the file, the script would execute it through its process pipe to cmd or bash or whatever is being used as the shell and write the output to /tmp/commands.out.

2) Your command.php would then write commands to /tmp/ and read the content of /tmp/commands.out and display it in the browser.

*) Naive because concurrency, security and probably a lot other issues come obviously with this approach. So these issues must be dealt with by using file locks, ACLs and so on.


I think I understand what you are asking now. Try this:

$fd = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"),  // stdin
1 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout
2 => array("file", "error.txt", "a") // stderr

$process = proc_open("cmd.exe", $fd, $pipes);

echo "Welcome to this interactive CMD shell. Please type your commands below\n";
while(is_resource($process) {
  $input = readline(); //Get user input
  $input .= "\n";      //Need newline to press ENTER on CMD

  if($input == "exit\n") {

    fwrite($pipes[0], $input);
    break; //End BOTH this program AND cmd

 fwrite($pipes[0], $input);

echo file_get_stream($pipes[1]); //print all the output from CMD

proc_close($process); //Should already be closed!

Note, you cannot get data from the child until you close its STDIN ($pipes[0]).... Meaning you cannot get the child's output until you finish sending it commands.

