SVG viewBox Coordinates

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-10 11:41:23


I'm just learning details about the SVG viewport and viewBox. What I find confusing is, that it seem counter-intuitively, despite all positive x and y coordinates going left to right and top to bottom respectively in web design, the viewBox coordinate system seems to go right to left, and bottom to top respectively?

Am I understanding this correctly, and does anybody know why this is the case.



This is not correct. viewBox declaration is x, y, width, height. And the origin 0,0 is top left - like most coordinate systems. If you have an example that is different, then it may be that there is a transform being applied at some level of your doc or CSS that is changing behavior.


The penny has dropped now. Because you move the viewBox to the right and down it creates the illusion that the graphic is moving to the left and up.

