How to connect Neo4j JDBC driver with DbVisualizer

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-10 10:43:58


I am running Neo4j 2.1.6, tried Neo4j 2.20 as well. I can not connect it with DbVisualizer 9.1.13

And I can not find ANY step by step clear explanation on how to do it.

First I've got binary JDBC Neo4j-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT here

I can run my just installed Neo4j instance from the browser localhost:7474 and I don't know what the REST API is all about and if it is turned on by default.

I can run the Neo4j 2.20 same way that comes with a new feature of user authorization and I am not sure if that JDBC driver is compatible with it. My user:pass is neo4j:neo

So in DbVisualizer I clicked Tools->Driver Manager and filled out like this:

My connection properties are as follows:

I've got the error on connect:

Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.1.13

Build: #2310 (2015-01-11 11:26:27)

Java Version: 1.8.0_25

OS Name: Windows Server 2012 R2

An error occurred while establishing the connection: The selected Driver cannot handle the specified Database URL. The most common reason for this error is that the database URL contains a syntax error preventing the driver from accepting it. The error also occurs when trying to connect to a database with the wrong driver.


If you look at the documentation for the jdbc driver, you see that the database URL is:


Please try to make it work with 2.1.6 first.

For the 2.2. auth you have to use the token you got back as password.

