PHP: Zip a file stream on the fly on an intermediate server, without storing (too much) data

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-10 10:35:07



  • On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise
  • Streaming a large file using PHP

I'm looking for a combination of methods described in the other topics. I probably need to read the file (from URL) in small chunks, pipe these into the STDIN of a proc_open zip command, grab output and flush this towards the client.

What I need to do:

  • Read a file stream from an URL from a storage server
  • Zip it on the fly on a webserver
  • Offer it as a download to the web browser, using content-disposition with unknown size (it's a stream after all).

What I can't do:

  • Store files on the webserver
  • Run code on the storage server
  • Use a lot of memory
  • Let the client wait for the download

So the flushing of data needs to start while remote chunk-reading is still in progress.

Would this be possible in PHP? I feel like this would be much easier in languages which offer more callback/async functionality, but I'm stuck with PHP in this situation.

Any examples or some rough code would be very welcome!


It's not PHP, but this project does exactly what you're looking for. You can host it as a standalone server and call it from php:

