Rails Forms : change form fields from previously selected fields

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-08 20:04:30

First of all you can't place id on inputs, because you will end up with two inputs with same and jQuery will only find the first one. Secondly, you need to use $(this) inside your handler.

You need sth in line:

<%= f.input :ration_card ,as: :radio_buttons,collection: ["Yes","No"], wrapper_html: {id: "rationcard"} %>
<%= f.input :rationcardNum , label: "Ration Card No." ,wrapper_html: {id: "rationcard_no"} %>

    var toggle_rationcardNum = function(visible) {
        if (visible){
        } else {

    $("#rationcard input").change(function(){

    toggle_rationcardNum($("#rationcard input:checked").val()=="Yes")