Unwind then Group aggregation in MongoDB C#

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-08 16:05:16


I'm having some trouble with the new C# 2.0 MongoDB driver and the aggregation pipeline.

Basically, I'm trying to return the most popular elements within an array field on the object. The field type is: IList<string> FavouritePlaceIds { get; set; }.

I have the following MongoDB aggregation which is working as expected:

    { $unwind : "$FavouritePlaceIds" },
    { $group: { "_id": "$FavouritePlaceIds", "count": {$sum: 1}}}, 
    { $sort : { "count": -1 }}

However, the issue is now trying to translate that into C# code using the new MongoDB driver 2.0. I've been using the following link for help with the aggregation pipeline: http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.0/reference/driver/crud/reading/#unwind

I've got the following so far for my aggregation pipeline:

var pipeline = usersCollection.Aggregate()
                .Unwind(i => i.FavouritePlaceIds)
                .Group(i => i.FavouritePlaceIds, g => new { FavouritePlaceIds = g.Key, Count = g.Count() })
                .SortByDescending(i => i.Count);

When I go to compile that code, I get following message:

'BsonDocument' does not contain a definition for 'FavouritePlaceIds' and no extension method 'FavouritePlaceIds' accepting a first argument of type 'BsonDocument' could be found...

The error is occuring on the first parameter (i => i.FavouritePlaceIds) of the Group() method.

Reading the notes at the link provided under the group section, it mentions that:

Because $unwind is a type of projection, you must provide a return type.

So, I'm assuming that I'm not specifying a correct return type, which is why it's expecting a BsonDocument object, and failing to compile.

So, how can I specify the correct return type to use in the Group method?


When you let Unwind infer the type parameters it will use the collection type for TResult and BsonDocument for TNewResult.

If you want to use a specific type and not BsonDocument you need to add these type parameters:

var pipeline = usersCollection.Aggregate()
    .Unwind<OriginalType, NewResultType>(....

As always, you need to make sure the operation actually returns something that can be of that type.

