Angular2 — ngAfterViewChecked is called many times..How to call a method just once after DOM is completely loaded?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-08 15:59:02


I need to apply jquery plugin to radio buttons in Angular2 using Typescript.

If I assign in ngAfterViewChecked, it is called many times and the control is refreshed multiple times.

What is the alternate solution for calling the javascript method after DOM is ready?


Try ngAfterViewInit and have a look here.


ngAfterViewChecked() would be invoked once the DOM tree get any change.

So if the DOM tree got change for many times, the ngAfterViewChecked() method would be invoked many times.

Suggest not to put business logic in this method. But only the screen refresh related logic instead, like to scroll the window to bottom if new message is coming in.


I have been using ngAfterViewChecked when I depend on the DOM being ready.

import { Component, AfterViewChecked } from '@angular/core'; 

export class NavBar implements AfterViewChecked{

      // jquery code here

