Python import gdata Google Apps Engine: Course Builder

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-08 13:34:30


I'm working with Google Course Builder and I'm trying to import the GData library so that I can utilize the provisioning API to add members to google groups as they register for the course.

Inside of of course builder lies the functions for registration.

The problem is when I add import gdata.apps.groups.client and then run the server locally, the browser returns an internal server error 500.

Obviously, I'm missing a step here, but where do I put the GData folder if not in my site-packages folder? I've copied it into all of the directories in course builder with no success.

Here is the original import section in the file:

import logging, urlparse, webapp2, jinja2
from models.models import Student, Unit, MemcacheManager
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.ext import db
from models.utils import getAllScores

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Try putting gdata and atom from the gdata-python-client in the same folder as your app.yaml (root of your AppEngine app).

