Activiti BPM without activiti-explorer

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-08 09:39:11


I'm totally new to Activiti and BPM in general. However, I would like to create a web-based workflow application for my company so internal/external users can use it.

I don't want the users to log into Activiti-explorer to access the workflow and do their human tasks. So the application should look as a general web app. Is there anyway to do so? and any live demo?


you can use activiti api and access services of activiti through ProcessEngine. Every thing which is possible with activiti explorer can be done with java so you can create any kind of project in java using ativiti. basic set up is here.

Web project example link.

try to run 10 min demo from here


Activiti-REST apis are available which offer all the functionalities of explorer. For the workflow designer, i would suggest you integrate the alfresco activiti-modeler into your web app.


You could go for alfresco activiti app as browser based application advantage you have is you can do modelling and also use it for end users. There is one more admin app using which u can configure it. You don't need any kind of integration in this case.

