How to create a battery level indicator in android?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-08 09:31:04


I want to create a battery level indicator as in the image(which i circled). The green part should fill based on the available battery in the device.

Getting the battery percentage from the device like this

registerReceiver(mBatInfoReceiver, new IntentFilter(

So in the layout i am able to display the battery percentage.

public class BatteryIndicatorActivity extends Activity {
        //Create Broadcast Receiver Object along with class definition
    private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
          //When Event is published, onReceive method is called
        public void onReceive(Context c, Intent i) {
              //Get Battery %
            int level = i.getIntExtra("level", 0);
            TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
              //Set TextView with text
            tv.setText("Battery Level: " + Integer.toString(level) + "%");


But how to create a UI for this type of battery indicator. Is their any api to achieve this?, If not how to create such type of UI.

Your help will be appreciated.


There are a lot of ways to do it. Here are few of them:

  1. Use a ProgressBar, make it vertical, make it be drawn in the battery shape
  2. Use a custom View, override onDraw() in it, and draw the battery shape on the canvas
  3. Use a white image with a transparent battery shape. Place it over a view, where you fill a background vertically, or change background view's height.


Here is my CustomView for display battery level

class BatteryView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) :
    View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
    private var radius: Float = 0f
    private var isCharging: Boolean = false

    // Top
    private var topPaint =
        PaintDrawable(Color.WHITE) // I only want to corner top-left and top-right so I use PaintDrawable instead of Paint
    private var topRect = Rect()
    private var topPaintWidthPercent = 50
    private var topPaintHeightPercent = 8

    // Border
    private var borderPaint = Paint().apply {
        color = Color.BLUE
        style = Paint.Style.STROKE
    private var borderRect = RectF()
    private var borderStrokeWidthPercent = 8
    private var borderStroke: Float = 0f

    // Percent
    private var percentPaint = Paint()
    private var percentRect = RectF()
    private var percentRectTopMin = 0f
    private var percent: Int = 0

    // Charging
    private var chargingRect = RectF()
    private var chargingBitmap: Bitmap? = null

    init {
        chargingBitmap = getBitmap(R.drawable.ic_charging)

    private fun init(attrs: AttributeSet?) {
        val ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.BatteryView)
        try {
            percent = ta.getInt(R.styleable.BatteryView_bv_percent, 0)
            isCharging = ta.getBoolean(R.styleable.BatteryView_bv_charging, false)
        } finally {

    override fun onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec: Int, heightMeasureSpec: Int) {
        val measureWidth = View.getDefaultSize(suggestedMinimumWidth, widthMeasureSpec)
        val measureHeight = (measureWidth * 1.8f).toInt()
        setMeasuredDimension(measureWidth, measureHeight)

        radius = borderStroke / 2
        borderStroke = (borderStrokeWidthPercent * measureWidth).toFloat() / 100

        // Top
        val topLeft = measureWidth * ((100 - topPaintWidthPercent) / 2) / 100
        val topRight = measureWidth - topLeft
        val topBottom = topPaintHeightPercent * measureHeight / 100
        topRect = Rect(topLeft, 0, topRight, topBottom)

        // Border
        val borderLeft = borderStroke / 2
        val borderTop = topBottom.toFloat() + borderStroke / 2
        val borderRight = measureWidth - borderStroke / 2
        val borderBottom = measureHeight - borderStroke / 2
        borderRect = RectF(borderLeft, borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom)

        // Progress
        val progressLeft = borderStroke
        percentRectTopMin = topBottom + borderStroke
        val progressRight = measureWidth - borderStroke
        val progressBottom = measureHeight - borderStroke
        percentRect = RectF(progressLeft, percentRectTopMin, progressRight, progressBottom)

        // Charging Image
        val chargingLeft = borderStroke
        var chargingTop = topBottom + borderStroke
        val chargingRight = measureWidth - borderStroke
        var chargingBottom = measureHeight - borderStroke
        val diff = ((chargingBottom - chargingTop) - (chargingRight - chargingLeft))
        chargingTop += diff / 2
        chargingBottom -= diff / 2
        chargingRect = RectF(chargingLeft, chargingTop, chargingRight, chargingBottom)

    override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
        if (!isCharging) {
            drawProgress(canvas, percent)
        } else {

    private fun drawTop(canvas: Canvas) {
        topPaint.bounds = topRect
        topPaint.setCornerRadii(floatArrayOf(radius, radius, radius, radius, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f))

    private fun drawBody(canvas: Canvas) {
        borderPaint.strokeWidth = borderStroke
        canvas.drawRoundRect(borderRect, radius, radius, borderPaint)

    private fun drawProgress(canvas: Canvas, percent: Int) {
        percentPaint.color = getPercentColor(percent) = percentRectTopMin + (percentRect.bottom - percentRectTopMin) * (100 - percent) / 100
        canvas.drawRect(percentRect, percentPaint)

    // todo change color
    private fun getPercentColor(percent: Int): Int {
        if (percent > 50) {
            return Color.WHITE
        if (percent > 30) {
            return Color.YELLOW
        return Color.RED

    private fun drawCharging(canvas: Canvas) {
        chargingBitmap?.let {
            canvas.drawBitmap(it, null, chargingRect, null)

    private fun getBitmap(drawableId: Int, desireWidth: Int? = null, desireHeight: Int? = null): Bitmap? {
        val drawable = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, drawableId) ?: return null
        val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
            desireWidth ?: drawable.intrinsicWidth,
            desireHeight ?: drawable.intrinsicHeight,
        val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
        drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
        return bitmap

    fun charge() {
        isCharging = true
        invalidate() // can improve by invalidate(Rect)

    fun unCharge() {
        isCharging = false

    fun setPercent(percent: Int) {
        if (percent > 100 || percent < 0) {
        this.percent = percent

    fun getPercent(): Int {
        return percent


<declare-styleable name="BatteryView">
    <attr name="bv_charging" format="boolean" />
    <attr name="bv_percent" format="integer" />


<vector xmlns:android=""
        android:pathData="M297.51,150.349c-1.411,-2.146 -3.987,-3.197 -6.497,-2.633l-73.288,16.498L240.039,7.012c0.39,-2.792 -1.159,-5.498 -3.766,-6.554c-2.611,-1.069 -5.62,-0.216 -7.283,2.054L71.166,217.723c-1.489,2.035 -1.588,4.773 -0.246,6.911c1.339,2.132 3.825,3.237 6.332,2.774l79.594,-14.813l-23.257,148.799c-0.436,2.798 1.096,5.536 3.714,6.629c0.769,0.312 1.562,0.469 2.357,0.469c1.918,0 3.78,-0.901 4.966,-2.517l152.692,-208.621C298.843,155.279 298.916,152.496 297.51,150.349z" />


        app:bv_percent="20" />

Github project

Hope it help

