How to customize PicketLink AuthenticationFilter?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-08 04:55:38


I have PicketLink installed and running on my web application, but it seems like I cannot protect resources like folders by group or role. The PicketLink AuthenticationFilter (org.picketlink.authentication.web.AuthenticationFilter) does not provide any way to say which url-pattern belongs to which group or role. How would I protect the admin directory so that only users in the admin group can access it? Right now, if you are logged in you can access everything.

web.xml file:




I tried to create my own custom AuthenticationFilter but I couldn't. I would really wish that I could do something like in Spring. Something like this or using the IDM functions like hasRole or isMember:

    <intercept-url pattern="/admin/*" access="ADMIN" />
    <intercept-url pattern="/member/*" access="ADMIN,STANDARDUSER" />


Unless I completely misunderstand what you're trying to do, I think you can do what you want via the programmatic configuration interface. See the docs section 12.2

public class HttpSecurityConfiguration {

public void configureHttpSecurity(@Observes SecurityConfigurationEvent event) {
    SecurityConfigurationBuilder builder = event.getBuilder();



Like previously said, the AuthenticationFilter is only about authentication.

PicketLink Team is working in a full Servlet Security support, which will provide among other things role and group based authorization for the URIs of your application.

For now, I would suggest you to create your own filter.

