install mobileprovision file - Xcode 6

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-08 04:55:33


I know this is simple, but I've read through all the questions and there doesn't seem to be a simple answer to this.

I've created an appID. I've created a mobileprovision file, downloaded it and double clicked it and that all seems fine. (I have xcode 6)

I wan't to select my distribution profile in Code Signing Identity in the build. But all my certificates are grayed out: (No cretificate found)[check profile]. - check profile is the name of my mobileprovision file.

How do I get this profile though to show up in XCode? and where would it show up?


Full description is here:

Set the project level code signing build settings to their defaults: Navigate to the Project > Build Settings tab. Set the Provisioning Profile build setting to Automatic for all build configurations. Set the Code Signing Identity build setting: Set to iOS Developer for all build configurations in iOS projects. Set to Mac Developer or Developer ID, as appropriate, for all build configurations in OS X projects.

