WPF Edit Resource

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-08 02:56:20


Hi is there any way to change a Resource brush from code or via some binding? what I want to do is change the color of my "main" brush when a button is clicked.

Thanks a lot!


Its a GradientBrush how do i change the colors on that?

myBrush.GradientStops[0].Color = Colors.Red;

just gives me a exception... and is there any way to animate the color change, like a story board?


For animating the change, try creating a Storyboard and calling Begin on it.

(I'll go throw together an example)

edit: Looks like it's another Silverlight != WPF fail on my part. I cant seem to get it going in WPF.


If you're using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern or something similar, you could make the brush colour (or the entire brush) a property of your viewmodel and bind directly to it.

In my (inexperienced) opinion, resources shouldnt change at runtime. If it's going to be changing, bind it.

(edit2: Changed from Silverlight-style top-level UserControl to WPF Window. As Ray Booysen noted in the comments, a UserControl in WPF would expose the colour via a DependencyProperty, not have it bound to a ViewModel.)


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <SolidColorBrush Color="{Binding BackgroundColor}" />

Viewmodel class:

public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public Color BackgroundColor
        get { ... }
        set { ... } // fire PropertyChanged event


public partial class MyWindow : Window
     private MyViewModel m_viewmodel;

     public MyWindow()
          viewmodel = new MyViewModel();
          this.LayoutRoot.DataContext = viewmodel;

     private void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         this.viewmodel.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;

