Retrieve All Members of Large AD Groups

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-08 02:55:43


Working with an Microsoft Active Directory and Unboundid SDK and there is a group with >29k members.

I am trying to utilize the range values to get all the groups, but can not determine when the end has been reached.

I am using this method: (Updated to working code)

  public static List<String> getAttributeRangeBasedSearch(LDAPConnection ldc, String basedn, String filter, int step, String return_attribute) throws LDAPException
List<String> allValues = new ArrayList<String>();
// initialize counter to total the group members and range values
int allvalues = 0;
int start = 0;
// int step = 1000;
int finish = step - 1;
boolean finallyFinished = false;
String range;
// loop through the query until we have all the results
while (!finallyFinished)
    range = start + "-" + finish;
    String currentRange = return_attribute + ";Range=" + range;
    String range_returnedAtts[] = { currentRange };
    SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(basedn, SearchScope.BASE, filter, range_returnedAtts);
    List<SearchResultEntry> rangedEntries =;
    for (Iterator<SearchResultEntry> iterator = rangedEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
    SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry =;
    Collection<Attribute> allAttribute = searchResultEntry.getAttributes();
    for (Iterator<Attribute> attributeIterator = allAttribute.iterator(); attributeIterator.hasNext();)
        Attribute attribute =;
        log.debug("---> " + allvalues + ": " + attribute.getName());
        if (attribute.getName().endsWith("*"))
        currentRange = attribute.getName();
        finallyFinished = true;
        String[] attributeBatch = searchResultEntry.getAttributeValues(currentRange);
        for (int i = 0; i < attributeBatch.length; i++)
        log.debug("-- " + allvalues++ + " " + attribute.getName() + ":" + attributeBatch[i]);

    }// for SearchResultEntry
    start = start + step;
    finish = finish + step;
}// finallyFinished
return allValues;

Any ideas?

Thanks -jim


I got things working, but the process is very difficult and currently I am using a hard coded value for the step as this could be dynamically changed formt he default of 1,500 to a hard coded limit of 5,000.

I have not been able to determine the value dynamically. Appears, maybe, that if it is not defined at: CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,forest root then is must be at defaults, which the default, also varies based on which version of Microsoft Active Directory is being used.

There is also described in MSDN about some sort of control that might help, but no information on how it could be used. Anyone ever use this?


This one can retrieve and store in textfile any number of users. Moreover it will not finish in infinite loop if group is empty

$myGroup = [string]$args[0];
$myGroup = $myGroup.replace(" ",",");
$group = [adsi]("LDAP://$($myGroup)");
$from = 0 
$all = $false 

$members = @() 

while (! $all) { 
   trap{$script:all = $True;continue} 
   $to = $from + 999 
   $DS = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($Group,"(objectClass=*)","member;range=$from-$to",'Base') 
   $members += $ds.findall() | foreach {$ | foreach {$_.item($_.PropertyNames -like 'member;*')}} 
   if($from -gt $members.count){
   $from += 1000 

$currentExecuting = (Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$members | measure-object 

$members > "$($currentExecuting.Directory)\$($group.sAMAccountName).txt"


getADGroupMembers.ps1 CN=groupName,OU=myOrgUnit,DC=contoso,DC=com

