CCRC CLI lsactivity command

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-07 23:48:13


I have installed CCRC 7.1.1 with CLI. I was trying to get the list of activities using rcleartool command bit I could not find lsactivity command.
Is there any equivalent command or any indirect way to achieve this targetM

Also there is no -fmt option for "rcleartool desc" command?
This was a very useful option in UCM but could not find in CCRC. Please help me with equivalent command in CCRC.

Thanks, Raghav


The commands supported by rcleartool are listed here.
They don't include lsact.

A potential workaround (not tested) would be to use describe -fmt. (see fmt_ccase, and the describe command)

rcleatool descr -fmt "%[activities]CXp" aStream@\aPVob

(supported only in CCRC 9.0.0)

That should list all activities for a given stream.
I doubt however it can work, because, even though -fmt seems supported (because not listed in the limitations)...

The following limitations affect rcleartool describe:

  • Version-extended pathnames are not supported
  • UCM object selectors are not supported
  • The following Base ClearCase object selectors are not supported: trigger-type, pool, hlink-type, oid-obj

If that is true for CCRC 7.1.1, then there is no workaround for now.


  • The OP Raghava Reddy reports that -fmt itself isn't supported (as he indicated originally in his question) in 2012. It is supported in 2019.
    rcleartool desc command  
    CRCLI1022E Unrecognised option: "-fmt". 
    Usage: desc/ribe [-username user-name][-ser/ver server-url][-pas/sword user-password] 
                     [-l/ong | -s/hort] [-ala/bel {label-type-selector[,...] | -all}]
                     [-aat/tr {attr-type-selector[,...] | -all}] 
                     [-ahl/ink {hlink-type-selector[,...] | -all}] 
                     { [-cvi/ew] [-pre/decessor] pname ... | 
                       -type type-selector ... | -cact | object_selector ...}
  • The CCRC help page on lsact only mentions the GUI, no CLI alternatives:

To browse existing activities in the ClearCase UCM Activities view,

  • click the

    UCM activities icon My Activities item of a UCM ClearCase view in the ClearCase Navigator,
  • or double-click the My Activities item in a ClearCase Details view.

The ClearCase UCM Activities view opens and displays a list of your activities in the stream.


I see -fmt option supported by rcleartool desc command (CCRC version 9.0.0):

path/to/my/vob>rcleartool desc -fmt
    CRCLI2037E "-fmt" must be specified.
    Usage: des/cribe [-l/ong | -s/hort | -fmt fmt-string]
            [-ala/bel {label-type-selector[,...] | -all} ]
            [-aat/tr {attr-type-selector[,...] | -all} ]
            [-ahl/ink {hlink-type-selector[,...] | -all}
            { [-cvi/ew] [-pre/decessor] pname ... | -type type-selector ... | -cac/t | object-selector ...}

