Is there a way to have reusable pathing for imports on Go projects?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-07 21:15:43


I am very new at Go, and need a bit of help with a way to make import pathing more distributable between my team.

Currently at the top of one of my Go files, I have an import, say ""

I forked his project to my own name and downloaded it and got some pretty obvious import errors.

MY path to the file it is trying to import is the following: ""

This pathing change is because I am pulling the project from my own forked repo.

What is a way I can go about fixing this? Is relative pathing possible? I can't put all the Go files into the same directory due to the size of the project and some obvious places for separation.

Disclaimer: New to Go AND Git (My forked approach is team-mandated though)


Assuming that GOPATH contains a single element, do this:

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/
$ cd $GOPATH/
$ git clone
$ cd HeartThrob/c
$ go install

An alternative approach is:

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/
$ git remote add fork git@github.myName/HeartThrob.git

Hack a way and push to fork.

