Nested variable name using EnableDelayedExpansion

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-07 18:01:30

I assume that you are using the delayed expansion character because you are working inside a set of brackets "()". Doing that makes your process harder. I know that method is easier to read, but it is harder to code for.

Inside brackets, I know of only one method to access a variable that was 'built' out of one or more variables. That is to use the call function to cause the assembled variable to 'activate'. This method works both inside and outside of brackets.

Here is a small example:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  set i=10
  set _c!i!=something
  :: below is equivalent to echo !_c10!
  call echo %%_c!i!%%



You can do almost everything using a CALL in front of it that you can without it, though in XP or earlier you cannot call internal commands like if and can only call 'external' programs like FIND.EXE.

If you can work outside of a set of brackets by possibly using a call :label statement, you can simply access the variable like this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set i=10
set _c!i!=something

:: The below 2 statements are equivalent to `echo %_c10%`
echo !_c%i%!
call echo %%_c!i!%%




The CALL technique suggested by James K will work, but it is relatively slow and can be unsafe, depending on the content of the variable.

The following looks more complicated, but it is significantly faster and more reliable:

for %%A in (!i!) do echo !_c%%A!

In your case there could be a third solution be possible, if your variables contains only numbers.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  set i=10
  set _c!i!=4711

  set /a tmp=_c!i!
  echo !tmp!

This works, as SET /A can access the content of a variable without the nedd of explicitly expansion charaters.
